
European Skills, Competences and Occupations

The European Skills, Competences and Occupations (ESCO) database shows the skills and qualifications that are needed to get work in particular trades in Europe.

When complete, the database will cover all recognised occupations and qualifications in EU member states.

What it can do for learners, workers and jobseekers

If you are looking for a job in Europe, the ESCO database will help you see what job opportunities match your skills set. It allows you to see which skills and qualifications employers in Europe are looking for for particular jobs.

What it can do for employers

ESCO will help you to link specific skills and qualifications to a job role in your company and make it easier for you to make your job vacancies available to job seekers in Europe.

What it can do for careers advisors

When ESCO is fully operational it will open up the European labour market.

By using the ESCO database, professionals in careers and employment services across Europe will be able to exchange job vacancies.

Note: ESCO is still in development. It is not yet fully operational.

Other tools you may be interested in:

The European Qualifications Framework helps you understand qualifications levels abroad.

Europass is a portfolio of documents that describes an individual’s knowledge and skills in a way that’s understood across Europe.

The Non-formal and Informal Learning system helps identify and assess all forms of learning.

The European Quality Assurance System for Vocational Education & Training helps give confidence that the quality of vocational education and training programmes in Europe can be trusted.

The European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training is a framework that supports the recognition of learning that takes place during study visits and work placements overseas.

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